Email: Parent Journey

This series, or “journey” serves to walk parents through their child’s school Book Fair: how it works, the benefits, the timeline, and how to shop.

This specific journey was especially important because Book Fairs underwent a complete brand update. These emails in large part established brand application for all future email journeys.

(See an example of the old branding at the bottom of this page)


Parent Journey 1/6

Objective: Get parents to set up and deposit funds into an eWallet for their children to shop the Book Fair

Parent Journey 2/6

Objectives: Remind parents the Book Fair starts tomorrow, Provide resources to ensure parents are prepared

Parent Journey 3/6

Objective: Get parents to shop the Fair online

Parent Journey 4/6

Objective: Incentivize parents to shop the Fair online and contribute to their child’s eWallet

Parent Journey 5/6

Objectives: Get parents to shop the Virtual Fair, Emphasize that the Fair carries a wide variety of products for all grade levels

Parent Journey 6/6

Objectives: Remind parents the virtual fair is ending, Create urgency to shop online


SSO Email

Objectives: Serve as a confirmation email for people who sign up to receive updates about the Book Fair, Explain benefits of having the account, Showcase titles and emphasize wide age range of products


Old Branding

Customer Service Pilot Program

Objectives: Emphasize customer service contact information to test the newly created Customer Success Team, Provide Book Fair Chairs instructions necessary to launch their school Fair